Keep Your Dog Working All Year Long!
Drop-In Class is designed for graduates of the Intermediate Class. It’s a fun, affordable and convenient way to maintain and polish what you’ve learned so far as well as move on to advanced off-leash obedience. “Drop-In” means you can show up whenever you want…every week, once a month…whatever you want. Obviously you will advance faster by coming regularly but people love the flexibility!
These fun, upbeat practice sessions are my favorite to teach! If Basic Obedience was grammar school and Intermediate Obedience was middle school, then this is high school and collage. Now that the dogs know the basics we can combine agility obstacles and obedience training in fun and creative ways that have real world applications. The goal is to train your dog to be happy and reliable in any and all real life situations…and have fun doing it!
Whether you are looking to keep your dog “tuned up” by coming out once a month or looking to turn your dog into a “Rock Star” by coming out every week, the Drop-In practice sessions are here to accommodate your schedule.
Here are just a few of the things you can expect:
- Really, Really, Really Reliable Recalls
- Really, Really, Really Reliable Stays
- Elimination of Leash Pulling, Leash Aggression or Leash Reactivity
- Complete Off-Leash Obedience – this takes commitment on your part
- Building Speed and Precision
- Advanced Concepts in Motivation
- Pack Walks and Off-Leash Hikes – heeling, loose-leash walking and running free with the pack (optional – depending on the group)
- Canine Good Citizen Training – practice for all 10 items on the CGC test
- Rally Obedience Exercises
- Recall Races – fastest dog to sit front and then finish wins! (there could be prizes involved!)
- Major Distractions – people, dogs, bikes, skateboards, bouncing balls, left over pizza, umbrellas, etc.
- Frogger Recalls – calling your dog through a crowd of moving dogs
- Focused Off-Leash Heeling – competition style, prancing, happily looking up at you, ignoring the other dogs
- Various Degree Heeling Turns – 45’s, 90’s, 180’s, 270’s, 360’s – both left and right
- “Fancy” About Turns – aka parade turn or schutzhund turn
- Distance Training – commands given off-leash from long distances
- Load Up – teaching dog to get in car from a distance and stay in, even with windows down and doors open
- Multi-Angled Finish – calling to a sit in heel position from the standard front position as well as any other angle or from a distance
- Three-Way Puppy Push-Ups – moving through Sit, Down and Stand positions in all six possible combos.
- Drop On Recall – down command from a recall
- Cafe Training – dog holds a long down at your feet around a table of other dogs doing the same. Dogs, skateboards and other distractions provided along with coffee and donuts.
- Pivoting Auto-Sit – sitting in heel position automatically as you pivot in place to varying degrees – 45’s, 90’s, 180’s, 270’s, 360’s – both left and right
- Hand Signals – giving commands silently, only using hand signals
- Motion Exercises – sit, down and stand commands given while heeling – without stopping your forward motion – calling back to a moving heel position
- Reverse Heeling – maintaining the Heel position while walking backwards.
- Intro to Training Collars (optional)
- Intro to Remote Collars (optional)
- Tug O’ War – proper use of tug as a reward for obedience and a command for releasing objects from their jaws.
- Agility Practice
- Friendly Games, Contests and Competitions – fastest recall, longest down, most push-ups, best trick, etc.
- …and more!
If you did your intermediate or advanced training with another company please call Chad for an evaluation. 408-838-0100.
Price: $15 each or a package of ten for $100 (package good for one year)
When: Saturday’s 9-10am. Always check the calendar to make sure practice has not been canceled.
When I first started holding my own group classes (2007) I only had a handful of private training clients. Most of them had behavior issues and many had been kicked out of other group classes for aggression issues, so I started getting them together in small groups at local parks. We joked that we were like the “Bad News Bears” for a while! (Google that one kids)
Eventually a client offered to let us have the classes at her ranch. That was so generous and a huge improvement! The classes grew and grew until it was normal to have 20 dogs or more show up. It was a mixed bag of everything from puppies to aggression cases to advanced obedience and agility. It was a challenge to accommodate all the various needs but somehow it worked.
At some point I started holding structured classes for puppy, beginner, intermediate and agility but I still have fond memories of those crazy “Bad News Bears” days and I still love my drop-classes more than any of my other classes.
I continue to offer Drop-In Classes at affordable prices because I believe a dog’s training should be fun, convenient and ongoing without breaking the bank!
I hope to see you there!